About Us

The first to accredit care in the home and the only accreditor undividedly focused on its future.

A patient-centered, partner-focused approach enables providers and patients to thrive.

History + Story

Community Health Accreditation Partner (CHAP) is an independent, non-profit, accrediting body for home and community-based healthcare organizations. As the first accrediting body in home healthcare, CHAP was created as a joint venture between the American Public Health Association and the National League for Nursing in 1965. 

CHAP is a CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) approved accreditor. CHAP accreditation helps agencies have processes to ensure ongoing quality, growth, and compliance.  Our surveys are accepted in some states for initial licensure requirements. Many states accept CHAP surveys in lieu of ongoing licensure surveys, and some states require accreditation.

The Center for Excellence (CFE) operates within CHAP as the education and certification resource that customers can utilize to learn and understand best practices and methods. With small class sizes focused on exercises rather than lectures only, the result is a certification engineered to improve performance.

Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission Statement

Advance the highest quality of home and community-based care.

Vision Statement

To be recognized as the essential partner for providing exceptional home and community-based care.


Quality, Innovation, Excellence, Leadership, Integrity, Collaboration

Senior Leadership

A connected team of experienced industry leaders here to serve you.

Nathan J. DeGodt


Arlington, VA

President & Chief Executive Officer

Todd Rankin

Chief Financial Officer

Teresa Harbour

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Jennifer Kennedy

Vice President, Quality, Standards, & Compliance

Dr. Khai Nguyen


Daniel Stephens

Senior Vice President, Center for Excellence

Nancy Reeder

Senior Vice President, Customer Relations

Lawton Samuels

Vice President, Human Resources

Jan Sweat

Vice President of Learning Solutions

Cliff Valenti

Vice President, Information Technology

Dan McPhilemy

Senior Vice President, Marketing and Business Development

Kassi Ellison

Vice President of Growth Consulting

Kimberly Skehan

Vice President of Accreditation

Board of Directors

Directed by visionaries in Home and Community-Based care, who keep our initiatives relevant and forward thinking.

Nathan J. DeGodt


Arlington, VA

President & Chief Executive Officer

Heath Bartness

CEO St. Croix Hospice

Oakdale, MN

Board Member

Mary Ann Christopher, MSN, RN, FAAN

Christopher STH Consulting

Avon, NJ

Board Member

Peter Freyer

Silicon Valley Bank

Sherman Oaks, CA

Board Member

Kate Jones, DNP

Clinical Professor Emerita, University of South Carolina | College of Nursing

Columbia, SC


Daniel Maison, MD, FAAHPM, HMDC

National Medical Director, Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care

Grand Rapids, MI


Michael Rovinsky

Vice President, Strategic Planning, Array Advisors

Atlanta, GA

Vice Chair

Michael Trigilio

Chief Executive Officer, Houseworks

Boston MA

Board Member

Thomas Hyatt

Tom Hyatt Law

Washington, DC

General Counsel

Holly Steinbrecher

Optum Health

Eden Prairie, MN

Board Member

Marisette Hasan, BSN, RN

LifeSprings Consulting Group, LLC

Board Member

Chris Beall

Martis Capital

Washington, DC


Jennifer Maxwell

Maxwell Healthcare Associates

St. Paul, MN

Board Member

Lisa Newell, BSPT, MBA

The Corridor Group

Sunset, SC

Board Member

Matt Smith

Medically Home

Chapel Hill, NC

Board Member

Kevin Henning, MD, CMD, FAAFP, FAAHPM

Elara Caring

Seattle, WA

Board Member

Rachel Hold-Weiss

Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan and Aronoff LLP

New York, NY

Board Member

Patricia T. Driscoll, BSN, MSN, JD

Texas Woman’s University

Dallas, TX


Emeritus Board Members

Honoring our Emeritus Board Members from 2024 onwards, celebrating their lasting impact in shaping our vision in Home and Community-Based care.

Cordt Kassner, PhD

Chief Executive Officer, Hospice Analytics, Inc.

Colorado Springs, CO

Chair Emeritus

Kathy Dodd

Co-Founder/Chief Executive Officer, LifewiseCMH

Kansas City, MO

Chair Emeritus