Missouri Home Health & Hospice License Requirements

Home Health: License required

CHAP conducts a 2-step process for Home Health licensure and accreditation/Medicare certification:

  • 1st step is the announced licensure site visit (1 day)
  • 2nd step is the unannounced accreditation/initial Medicare certification site visit (generally 3 days)
  • CHAP has a checklist available (approved by the state agency) for initial licensure)

For renewal of licensure, CHAP accreditation can stand in lieu of the state licensure survey (“V.A.M.S. 197.415 (HH) – “4. In lieu of any survey required by sections 197.400 to 197.475, the department may accept in whole or in part written reports of the survey of any state or federal agency, or of any professional accrediting agency, if such survey:
(1) I comparable in scope and method to the department’s surveys; and
(2) Is conducted within one year of initial application or within thirty-six months for the renewal of the home health license as required by subdivision(2) of subsection 2 of this section.” V.A.M.S. 197.258 (HOS) – “3. In lieu of any survey required by sections 197.250 to 197.280, the department may accept in whole or in part the survey of any state or federal agency, or of any professional accrediting agency, if such survey:
(1) Is comparable in scope and method to the department’s surveys; and
(2) Is conducted within one year of initial application


Home Health State Licensure Forms and Resources

Hospice: License required

CHAP conducts a 2-step process for Hospice licensure and accreditation/Medicare certification:

  • 1st step is the announced licensure site visit (1 day)
  • 2nd step is the unannounced accreditation/initial Medicare certification site visit (generally 3 days)
  • CHAP has a checklist available (approved by the state agency) for initial licensure)

For renewal of licensure, CHAP accreditation can stand in lieu of the state licensure survey (“V.A.M.S. 197.415 (HH) – “4. In lieu of any survey required by sections 197.400 to 197.475, the department may accept in whole or in part written reports of the survey of any state or federal agency, or of any professional accrediting agency, if such survey:
(1) I comparable in scope and method to the department’s surveys
In lieu of any survey required by sections 197.250 to 197.280, the department may accept in whole or in part the survey of any state or federal agency, or of any professional accrediting agency, if such survey:
(1) Is comparable in scope and method to the department’s surveys; and
(2) Is conducted within one year of initial application for or renewal of the hospice’s certificate.”)


Hospice Medicare & State Licensure Forms & Resources

MO Department of Health (DHSS)

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

912 Wildwood

P.O. Box 570

Jefferson City, Missouri 65102

Contact Information:

David Atkinson, Health Program Representative

Bureau of Home Care and Rehabilitative Standards


(573) 526-5587