Don’t Think Outside the Box

Don’t Think Outside the Box

Written by Jan Sweat 

Think outside the box.
We’ve heard this advice so many times, but does it really work? What if you made your box bigger instead of chasing bold, unpredictable solutions? What if you expanded the space you’re already working in, giving yourself room to innovate, grow, and face challenges head-on?

In our industry, where change is constant, leaders don’t need quick fixes or out-of-the-box solutions. They need a strategic framework that’s flexible, adaptable, and prepared for the unexpected. Expanding your framework, or “building a bigger box,” can help healthcare leaders achieve lasting success.

Outdated Plans = Outdated Results

Too often, strategic plans are written, presented, and then forgotten. They’re treated like items on a to-do list crossed off and left somewhere, never to be seen again. The reality is that many leaders don’t revisit their plans even in the next annual meeting. In the meantime, the business environment shifts, new challenges emerge, and the organization is left trying to navigate with outdated directions.

When your strategic plan becomes stale, it holds your team back. Community-based care is constantly evolving, whether due to new regulations, changes in patient care needs, or market trends. To keep pace with these changes, leaders need a plan that’s not static but a living, breathing document—one that’s regularly reviewed, adjusted, and aligned with current realities.

Building a Bigger Box

We’ve learned that the key isn’t to think outside the box. It’s about expanding your perspective, allowing more flexibility, and planning for different possibilities. By broadening your approach, you equip your organization to handle new challenges while maintaining the solid foundation you’ve worked hard to build.

Here’s why building a bigger box leads to success:

  1. Flexibility
    When your plan leaves room for growth, you can easily adjust when the unexpected happens. Whether it’s new CMS guidelines or shifts in patient needs, a bigger box gives you the flexibility to pivot without panicking.
  2. Sustainable Growth
    A bigger box means you’re not just chasing short-term wins. You’re creating a strategic framework that prepares your team for long-term success. It’s about ensuring you have the resources and capacity to handle present and future opportunities.
  3. Smarter Decisions
    When your strategic plan is broad and adaptable, it helps you make more informed decisions. You’re not reacting to problems with a quick fix—you’re considering the bigger picture and planning for multiple scenarios, so your team knows exactly how to respond.

Engaging Your Team: The Key to Making It Work

It’s not just about creating a plan—it’s about ensuring your team understands and is on board. Too often, strategic plans are treated as leadership exercises, disconnected from the people who are responsible for making them work. For your strategy to succeed, your team must be involved in the process from the start.

Here’s how to bring your team into the fold:

  1. Make the Plan Part of Everyday Life
    Don’t let your strategic plan collect dust. Review it regularly—at least quarterly—and bring it into team meetings. When discussing goals, ensure the plan is on the table so everyone can see how daily actions align with a long-term strategy.
  2. Encourage Ownership
    Your team must feel like they’re part of the strategy, not just following orders. Use visual tools or team-based goals to help them see the bigger picture. When your staff understands the broader mission, they become more invested in the outcome.
  3. Foster Continuous Learning
    To keep your organization growing, invest in learning opportunities for your team. Whether through formal education or encouraging new ideas, giving your staff a chance to expand their knowledge helps with innovation and keeps burnout at bay.
  4. Support Innovation
    Encourage your team to come up with new ideas and solutions. Maybe it’s through something as simple as a suggestion box or as engaging as an annual innovation competition. When people feel empowered to contribute, they’re more likely to think creatively and help the organization evolve.

Why This Matters: A Bigger Box = A Stronger Team

Building a bigger box is a way to ensure your organization’s long-term viability. When your strategy is broad, adaptable, and aligned with your team’s efforts, you create a culture of innovation and resilience. You’re not relying on quick fixes or outdated plans—you’re setting the stage for sustainable growth.

The key to success is ensuring that everyone in the organization knows where they’re headed and how their role fits into the bigger plan. It’s not about short-term wins—it’s about creating a strategy that adapts, evolves, and keeps your organization moving forward.

Take Action: Build Your Bigger Box Now

At CHAP’s Leadership Workshop, we help you build a bigger box—a strategic plan that isn’t just focused on the present but is flexible enough to grow with your organization. You’ll learn how to create a living strategy that adapts to changes, empowers your team, and drives innovation.

Are you ready to expand your strategic thinking and lead your organization toward lasting success? Join us at the next CHAP Leadership Workshop and get the tools you need to build a bigger box for your business.